Company or Corporation?

Company or Corporation?

What is the Best Business Type for Your Emerging Business? In the early days of your business, you likely filed your company as a “sole proprietorship” or “limited liability company” (LLC). However, as your business grows and changes, a corporation might make sense...
Fair Use and Copyright Protection

Fair Use and Copyright Protection

Fair Use Guidance for Small Business Owners As a small business owner, navigating the numerous complex legal requirements can be overwhelming. Copyright laws especially affect small business owners every day as they attempt to create social media posts and other...
Build Value with Legal Planning

Build Value with Legal Planning

A LEGAL PLAN TO BUILD BUSINESS VALUE WITHOUT THINKING TOO MUCH DETERMINE WHAT YOU WANT OUT OF THE BUSINESS If you are building a business, take five minutes, close your eyes, and think about “What do I ultimately want to do with my business?” Write it down in five...