Trademarks Beyond Borders:

Trademarks Beyond Borders:

Intellectual Property Rights Acquisition I recently lectured on the topic, “Trademarks Beyond Borders: Intellectual Property Rights Acquisition,” in a continuing legal education broadcast for attorneys. The webinar focused on key points for businesses to protect their...
AI and Trademark

AI and Trademark

LinkedIn Newsletter by Steven Weigler I asked Chat AI to trademark something; to trademark something, you will need to start by conducting a comprehensive search to be sure that the trademark you want to use is not already registered or in use by someone else. Then,...
Trademark Protection

Trademark Protection

Trademark Protection and the Importance of Being Amazon Brand Registered EComcrew Ecommerce Podcast – with Mike Jackness Intro to the episode ‘It’s becoming increasingly difficult to sell on Amazon. I know I share the same sentiment with many listeners of...