Trademark Protection

by | Nov 12, 2023 | Podcasts

Trademark Protection and the Importance of Being Amazon Brand Registered

EComcrew Ecommerce Podcast – with Mike Jackness

Intro to the episode

‘It’s becoming increasingly difficult to sell on Amazon.

I know I share the same sentiment with many listeners of this podcast. These days, you need to position your brand in a way that it can effectively differentiate itself. You optimize your listings and add EBC to pull in higher conversion rates. So it’s downright frustrating and disheartening when you encounter imitators online who hijack and duplicate products for monetary gain but at the original creator’s expense.

That being said, it’s crucial to have your brand and your products protected by a trademark. And in today’s podcast, we not only get to pick the brains of a lawyer who assists clients with protecting their brands. He also has his own ecommerce business to boot.

Steven Weigler is someone who’s certainly seen both sides of the coin. A former prosecutor and technology law practitioner, he has been running an ecommerce business for a decade. He is also the founder of EmergeCounsel, a business legal services provider.

Steve sheds light on what a trademark is and identifies the different kinds that are out there. He also talks about the Amazon Brand Registry and a relatively new program within it called Transparency.’

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