Why You Need a Business Law Attorney

by | Feb 11, 2015 | Business Entity

Why do you need a business law attorney? As you launch and grow your business, several questions will arise. These questions are often regarding how to register your business and your products and services. As well as concerns about risk and potential liabilities. Enlisting the help of an attorney experienced in the finer points of business law can help you in the following ways:

Registering your new business

As you launch your business, it is important to choose the status that fits your business best. A skilled business lawyer can help you navigate the legal and tax implications of entity formation. You will have to decide if your business should be a C-Corp, S-Corp, LLC, LLP, or some other alternative.

Managing business contracts

Many entrepreneurs get lost in the maze of contracts and policies a new business can bring. From board bylaws to vendor/supplier agreements. A business attorney can help you identify which contracts and policies your business needs to be protected from litigation and lost revenue.


One of the unavoidable aspects of life and business is taxes. Your attorney can help you register for a tax ID and address how to file for payroll, sales, equity, and other taxes. These are all taxes that apply to businesses at the federal, state, and local levels.

Employment issues

When your business is ready to hire employees, it is important to have an employee policies and procedures manual in place, as well as employment contracts like non-compete and non-disclosure agreements.

Intellectual property protection

If you are selling a product or service without the protection of copyrights, trademarks, and patents, you are opening your business up to a tremendous amount of risk. Intellectual property is a highly nuanced area of business law. Working with an experienced business law attorney can make all the difference in protecting you and your business from potential litigation and loss due to IP disputes.

If you are an entrepreneur with questions about business entity formation, employee policies, or intellectual property protection, EmergeCounsel can help.


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