Visit with business visionary Natalya Berdikyan

by | Apr 9, 2023 | LinkedIn Newsletter, News and Updates

While attending the IR Global Conference in Barcelona, I had the opportunity to eat a lot of tapas, try some Spanish wines (I really like Priorat), and see the Sagrada Familia Cathedral (amazing).

I also caught up with my friend, business visionary Natalya Berdikyan. Natalya is the President of EO (Entrepreneur Organization) in Barcelona.  She shared some amazing stories of her resilience and impressed me with her internal calmness.

Although I have gotten better over the years, internal calmness is something I generally lack. My work can be stressful, and I tend to take it very seriously. There is also the issue of the lack of control attorneys often have. For example, I have to remind myself that I cannot many times control the outcome. Then there is the entrepreneurial dilemma that I control my own destiny (I am my own boss, I work on work I like, I am the ultimate decision maker), but I control my own destiny (all the stressors of running my own business, time management, cash flow, etc.)  Maybe all of these are excuses, and I am just wired or conditioned to stress!

Anyway, I look forward to learning more from Natalya, who, among other things, coaches executives on how to maintain internal peace while maintaining optimal business performance. Again, it was really cool hanging out with her. I wish I could have joined her yoga class on the beach in Barceloneta!

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