International Women’s Day

by | Mar 31, 2023 | Featured, News and Updates

International Women’s Day – From the Women of EmergeCounsel


International Women’s Day is a day when women from around the world are recognized for their achievements, without regard for their nationality, ethnic, cultural, or political background. This month, we decided to ask the women of EmergeCounsel what International Women’s Day means to them:

Marie Dutton | Attorney   

Looking back on this past month,  I think about how I and my female colleagues, friends, and family preserver. I realized it was by seeing another preserver I was able to know I could be successful as an attorney because I saw my aunts succeeding in the law. This month has given me insight into so many women who created thriving side hustles that are now their full-time hustles. Who rose up in a sea of men and were able to increase diversity along the way and use their voices to lift others up. Seeing all these women thriving highlighted inspires me to be more creative, explore new hobbies, and keep persevering. I hope everyone continues to share their amazing stories, so we can keep inspiring everyone to see – yes, you can do it! #EmbraceEquity 

Amy O’Hara | Trademark Paralegal 

International Women’s Day is a day for me to reflect on the women in my life whose shoulders I’ve stood upon to reach the level of respect and equality that so many women still do not enjoy worldwide. For those, the glass ceiling is impenetrable steel. I feel blessed to enjoy my chosen profession and honored to be surrounded by amazing women, and I’m grateful to our firm’s founder for hiring only women.  We bring an added level of competency coupled with sincere compassion for our clients, many of whom are women achieving their dreams of owning their own businesses or reaching the top levels of other’s which inspires us. It’s my personal goal every day to bring a smile to at least one woman’s face. #EmbraceEquity 

Amber VandenHout | Paralegal 

I’ve read many inspiring stories of incredible women in the last few weeks. I am amazed by the ingenuity and prowess of the women, clients, and staff I work with. From entrepreneurs and CEOs; to full-time employees and working mothers. Whether they are cultivating a lifelong dream or making extra money, the goal is likely the same – to do what they love, for whom they love.

As a mother of four, three of whom are girls – International Women’s Day is not just a day but every day. My two grown daughters came over this past weekend, and as we sat around the dining room table, laughing and telling stories – I marveled at the amazing women they have become. Their tribulations are not over, but their smiles are genuine, and their resolve is firm. In the face of continued inequality, we rise to the challenge of bettering ourselves and our world. #EmbraceEquity

According to Forbes, ten percent of fortune 500 companies are women-led. The change is happening – onward and upward.

If you would like to speak with EmergeCounsel about your IP or business needs, contact us today!


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